Small Ruins

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Got it Memorized - (open)
acer 5 448 by Shadow.
Jul 23, 2011 3:41:56 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling SILENCE IS DEAFENING - {OPEN}
impliedcyanide 6 374 by finaljump
Jul 17, 2011 17:33:45 GMT -5


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Small Ruins
To the southwest, beyond the canyon and river, lies a small town. They had built roads into the area, and even a bridge to cross the river, but all have crumbled. There is the remnants of an old gas station, a church, homes, a graveyard, and more. It's simply a small town on the outskirts of a big city, but lots of things make their home here, and not all are benevolent.
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